Blue Headed Pionus

The Blue Headed Pionus – Pionus menstruus, also known as the Blue Headed Parrot has a striking blue head and an emerald green body.

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This pet pionus for sale is considered  the most visually appealing of all Pionus parrots commonly kept as companion pets. If you are looking for an attractive and quieter parrot, than this pet pionus is a good choice. A properly cared for blue-headed Pionus can live more than 30 years. Shipping your new blue headed pionus bird is easy and safe at PARROT FOR ALL.

The stocky body of these birds is mainly a bright green color, with bronze overtones on the upper parts of the wings. The head is a bright and brilliant blue color, and this continues to the mid part of the bird’s breast. They have darker, dusty colored circles on each of their cheeks, and red feathers on the undersides of their tails, as all Pionus parrots do. Another distinctive feature of these birds is a characteristic red patch on the upper mandible of the beak. Juveniles are mostly green, but will feather-out to their mature color after a couple of molts.

Geography: Blue headed Pionus are native to South America and Central America. They can be found in forests and semi-open country and their range includes Costa Rica, Venezuela, Trinidad, Bolivia and Brazil.

Size: Medium to large at about 12 inches in length.

Temperament: Blue-headed Pionus have a reputation as being a laid-back, quiet parrot that can be territorial around its cage. A blue-headed Pionus might not be as cuddly as other parrots, but this bird can be quite affectionate, especially if it has been raised with respectful interaction and consistent one-on-one interaction. A frightened blue-headed Pionus parrot might make an audible wheezing sound, which an owner might mistake as a medical condition.

Compared to the Amazon, conure and macaw, the Pionus is indeed quiet, has a more even temperament than lovebirds or African greys, but more independent than cockatoos. Pionus bird lovers tell a different story and say their birds are affectionate, quieter than other parrots, and they are attentive and sweet. As with all parrots, the way a Pionus is raised by its human guardians makes the difference between a shy bird and a great companion. A Pionus guardian should be ready to spend a great deal of time with their bird. In a home with other louder, more demanding birds, the Pionus may not get the attention it requires.

Speech: Pionus aren’t known as the best talkers, but some can generate impressive vocabularies. A blue-headed Pionus parrot’s voice might sound raspy, so pay attention to your bird’s vocalizations for words you might be missing. Because the Pionus is quiet in comparison to many other parrot species, it can be an ideal companion for those who have close neighbors.

Diet: Pionus parrots, including blue-headed Pionus, have hearty appetites. Offering a balanced diet and can include seed mixtures such as such as our Parakeet Seed mixture, sprouted sunflower seeds, pellets, berries, fresh fruit and leafy vegetables which are especially high in Vitamin A, as they are prone to Vitamin-A deficiency. Consult with your avian veterinarian for the ideal diet for your blue-headed Pionus parrot.

DNA Testing

If there is no gender option listed for a bird on our website, that particular species is ‘monomorphic’, which means we’re unable to determine gender without purchasing DNA testing. DNA testing is an additional $149 per bird to guarantee preferred gender. DNA testing may add an additional 3-6 plus weeks to estimated delivery time to allow for gender results. See our FAQs for more info.