Golden conures are active pets that love to climb, chew, and play. Owners must be diligent to supervise these birds when out of the cage to avoid accidents due to their overwhelming curiosity about the world around them.
Being a conure, these birds are very vocal and can produce loud screams, making them a poor choice for those who live in apartments or condominiums. They can, however, develop a rather extensive vocabulary.
Golden conures are highly intelligent and need plenty of mental stimulation in order to prevent boredom and destructive behavior patterns from setting in. In this regard, it’s slightly more sensitive than many other parrots.
While feather plucking is often a warning you’ll hear with neglected or bored parrots, for golden conures, stress is the leading cause of this self-destructive behavior they seem prone to. It can be prevented with tons of attention and distractions and giving the bird a certain amount of freedom.
In general, golden conures do make great pets. They enjoy cuddling and are receptive to multiple people when socialized properly, so they do well with families. Aggression is typically not an issue except when they’re breeding.